Bhoojho meaning in Hindi and bhoojho information

Bhoojho meaning –  today we are going to see the meaning of the word bhoojho.

Many people are reading about this word on the internet or in school, they have many questions in their mind that what exactly is this word, what does it mean, how is this word used or what is it used for.

we are going to give you the correct answer to all these questions through this article. 

If you are wondering if bhoojho is a strange word or if it is a word that has never been heard and suddenly heard then what is the meaning for such a word then let’s answer this question. 

Bhoojho meaning in english

Bhojo means a person who answers many questions or answers any difficult question. bhoojho is called in hindi as we say that person is very intelligent he is knowledgeable and can always answer questions like this. 

Ask him any difficult question or ask him any complicated question and he will answer it easily is called an expert i.e. the word bhoojo is used in Hindi. There is no alternative word for this word in English or no alternative word for this word in other languages ​​but in Hindi such a person is called bhoojho. 

paheli and boojho meaning

Just like you ask a person how many planets are there and how long does it take to reach that planet? No person can answer these difficult questions easily or with the help of google or books a person can answer the questions but will answer easily. If you can answer these questions easily then such a person is called bhoojho in hindi. 

Bhoojho meaning in hindi 

You are given some puzzles in the paper which you cannot solve easily or there are such puzzles in school or other places which you cannot solve but this person is bhoojo who can easily solve these puzzles easily but he is smart he knows the art of this. Such a person is called bhoojho. 


If you find out more about this term, please share it with us so that we can improve this article and give you more information about it. Because this word is new and many people do not know about the word and also because there is no alternative word or its meaning available in google dictionary or other world dictionary it is difficult to answer this word. 

We have tried to inform you by ourselves but we feel that this bhoojho meaning  information is insufficient. 

 So if you have any more information about this word then you can let us know by commenting in the below comment box or email us in our email id if you can tell us more about this word or help me then we can improve this article Thanks . 

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